At some point, we have all needed to transport our horse using a trailer, and sometimes things don't go according to plan. Accidents, sudden stops, slips in the trailer, resistance to loading, and other unexpected events can affect your horse's entire body.
Even when the journey goes smoothly, the movement, vibrations, and jolts can still impact your horse, along with the stress of being taken to an unfamiliar place.
Bodywork can help alleviate stress and tension in your horse's body. Moreover, if there were any "traumatic" experiences or challenges, bodywork can assist in releasing that trauma.
Trailering is akin to a workout for horses. It engages their core muscles, utilizes their body for balance, and any bumps or falls during transport can lead to soreness and bruising. If your horse is anxious during the trailer ride, they often tense their body further, leading to muscle fatigue.
Prior to an event or relocating your horse, it is beneficial to have a bodyworker ready to help your horse relax, release tension, and perform at their best or settle comfortably into their new surroundings.
Upon returning from an event or outing, having a bodyworker available to assist your horse can aid in their smooth readjustment to home life, promoting ease and comfort, reduce fatigue and even help prevent future potential issues due to unresolved stess and strain.
